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  5. Post Elements

Post Elements

The following options will show for the post and current page query types.


  • Show Feature Image: Show/hide the post feature image.
  • Image Link: Select between no link, post permalink, or custom link.
  • Show Title: Show/hide the post title.
  • Title Link: Select between no link, post permalink, or custom link.
  • Show Author: Show the post author.
  • Author Prefix/Suffix: Add author prefix or suffix text.
  • Show Author Link: Add a link to the author archive page.
  • Show Date: Show post date.
  • Date Type: Select between showing published or modified date.
  • Date Prefix/Suffix: Add date prefix or suffix text.
  • Date Format: Enter a PHP date format string to use for displaying the date.
  • Show Comments Count: Show the number of comments for the post.
  • Comments Prefix/Suffix: Add comments prefix or suffix text.
  • Show Terms: Show/hide the post terms.
  • Show Terms Separator: Add a text to use as a terms separator.
  • Taxonomy Terms: Select the taxonomy from which you want to show post terms.
  • Show Excerpt: Show/hide the post excerpt.
  • Show Link: Activate this option to show a link to the post page.
  • Link Source:  Select to use the post permalink or a custom link from the Link section custom field.
  • Link Text: Text for the post page link.


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