In this section, you will find additional query settings that can be applied to one or all query types.
- Custom Selection Source: If you want to include specific post/term/user IDs here you can select how to include those IDs. Currently, there are three options available manual, custom field, and gallery.
- Custom Field Name: Select the custom field that holds the IDs of the post/term/user you want to include.
- Gallery IDs: Select the media images you want to include.
- Posts/Terms/Users IDs: Enter a comma separate string of IDs you want to limit the query to.
- Include/Exclude IDs: Choose to include or exclude the IDs from the query.
- Ignore Sticky Posts: Do not move sticky posts to the start of the results.
- Post Authors: Show posts associated with these authors. Leave blank to include all authors.
- Include or Exclude Authors: Choose to include or exclude posts from the authors you have selected.
- Post Mime Types: Show posts associated with these mime types. See WP Documentation.
- Search: Search criteria to match posts/terms/users. See WP documentation for posts, users, and terms.
- Use Search URL Parameter: Activate this option to restrict the query by searching for the search URL parameter. This option will make the module load the results of a search page.