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  5. Layout


Currently, we support the following layouts for the items (CSS Grid, Masonry, Carousel, List, and Fullwidth).

  • Layout: Select the layout type.
  • Columns: Select the number of columns (grid type only)
  • Gaps: Select the space between the columns and below the items.
  • List Type: Select the list type between ordered and unordered (list type only).
  • Items Width: Minimum width for the items (masonry type only)
  • Items Gap: Select the space between the columns and below the items (masonry type only).
  • Minify: Preserve the order of items (masonry type only)
  • Direction: Select the carousel direction (Left to right, right to left, and top to bottom).
  • Type: Select the carousel type between Infinite Loop and Slider.
  • Speed: Transitions speed in milliseconds.
  • Show Pagination Dots: Show the page controls for the carousel.
  • Items Per Page: Select the space between the columns and below the items.
  • Show Navigation Arrows: Show the carousel control for the navigation.
  • Items Per Move: Select the space between the columns and below the items.
  • Auto Mode: Select the auto mode between none, autoplay, and auto-scroll.
  • Progress Bar: Show the progress bar.


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