This section appears for post queries and it is helpful to restrict your query using dates. See WP Documentation.
- Date After/Before: Activate this option to enter values for after and/or before dates, to set a custom interval from where you will want to get posts.
- Year: Enter a four-digit year number.
- Month: Enter month number 1-12.
- Week: Enter week number 0-53.
- Day: Enter day number 1-31.
- Hour: Enter hour number 0-23.
Some use cases:
- Retrieve posts published within the last week: Activate the Date After/Before option and add the text 7 days ago to the After option.
- Retrieve posts published in the previous year: Activate the Date After/Before option, add the text January 1st, last year to the After option, and add the text December 31st, last year to the Before option.
- Retrieve posts published in the first quarter (January, February, March) of the current year: Activate the Date After/Before option, add the text January 1st, this year to the After option, and add the text March 31st, this year to the Before option.
- Retrieve posts published on a specific day (e.g., January 15th, 2025): Set Year to 2025, Month to 1, and day to 15.