Divi ACF Masonry Gallery

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Version: 1.0.3

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This plugin is an extension of the Divi theme by Elegant Themes. It includes a visual builder module that can output the content of an Advanced Custom Field Gallery field.This module can be utilized on a single page, post, custom post type, or any Divi Builder template to enhance your content display. You can choose from various options, including displaying the image title, caption, and description. Additionally, you can set a lightbox action to display the image or a gallery of all images. The module has been designed to be responsive and offers setting controls for the masonry layout.The Gallery field is a field type provided by the Advanced Custom Fields plugin for WordPress. It allows you to select multiple images from your WordPress site and set those as a gallery for any custom post type. Here is the official documentation of the field type Gallery (advancedcustomfields.com).

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See Changelog

= 1.0.3 – 16-09-2024 =
– Fix broken pagination

= 1.0.2 – 13-09-2024 =
– Added desandro masonry and grid layouts
– Added pagination

= 1.0.1 – 06-04-2024 =
– Added option to manually select images
– Added image click action for lightbox and gallery
– Added overlay option

= 1.0.0 – 26-01-2024 =
– Initial Release

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