This tutorial will demonstrate how to create a block of related posts at the end of each blog post using the ACF Post Object or Relationship fields and Divi ACF Object Loop module.
First, we will set up the ACF Post Object or Relationship field, which will work for both return types of the field Post Object and Post ID. Copy the field name as you will need it on the module settings.
Next, we will select the suggested post to be displayed for each individual page or post in the ACF Post Object or Relationship fields our module is also compatible with single and multiple selections.
Finally, we will add the Divi ACF Object Loop module and set the ACF Object Field Name with the name previously assigned to the ACF Post Object or Relationship field.
This will show the suggested posts for that specific page or post in a grid format where you can conditionally include the feature image, title, excerpt, and links. You will also have the option to control the grid columns and gaps.
Read all documentation here ACF Object Loop.
More about related post